Randall may survey residents

If you’re a Randall resident and have wanted to have your say about town issues you may get your chance.

The Town Board began the process of surveying all property owners in the town at Thursday’s meeting.

The Town Board unanimously directed the Plan Commission to begin working on assembling a survey and reporting back with a draft in six months.

randall-logoThe initiative to do the survey in part grew out of a motion at the town’s last annual meeting, said town Chairman Robert Stoll. But he also said it is a good time to see where town residents’ attitudes on a  number of issue lie some six years after the  last such survey, which was part of the Smart Growth Plan process.

Before the Town Board approved the motion, the Plan Commission voted to table the issue until it received further direction from the Town Board.

Supervisor Ken Mangold initially said he wanted to see the draft by November, which Plan Commission Chairman Charles Gitzinger said he didn’t think was possible.

Two initiatives by Supervisor Rose Nolan failed to make it into the final motion. First Nolan said she thought a public input meeting ought  to be part of the survey formulation process.

“I think it’s important to have public input at the appropriate time,” Nolan said. That proposal drew no support.

“I will have nothing to do with this, even if it means my resigning, if we have to have public (input) meetings,” Gitzinger said.

Nolan also made a motion to include a survey being conducted by the Powers Lake Lake Management District into the town-wide survey. That motion failed with Nolan being the only yes vote.

Supervisors and planners discussed using the Smart Growth survey as a basis for the new survey.

Mangold estimated the cost of the survey to be about $800 for mailing and $400 for printing.


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