Bristol to add extra bulk pick-up day July 2

Photo by ladyheart via

Photo by ladyheart via

Bristol will have an extra bulk garbage pick-up day July 2 to help out those cleaning up after last week’s heavy rain and flooding.

The extra day will work the same as the regularly scheduled bulk garbage pick-up day the third week of the month, only two weeks earlier.

“This gives people the weekend to get get stuff out of their basements and get it to the curb,” said Randy Kerkman, town administrator.

Waiting until the regular pick-up day later in July would have resulted in people having “wet, moldy, mosquito haven” messes waiting for pick-up in their yards, Kerkman added.

In addition, the town will be offering well testing for town residents for free for a limited time. Those interested can go to Town Hall or the town treatment plant.  Non -residents will be charged $15, the regular fee for the service.

Wells that may have been contaminated from flood waters should be tested before resuming use of water. Flood waters can contain bacteria and waste contaminants that threaten water supplies.

The town had some flood clean-up kits that it was handing out Monday, but they were all gone within about two hours, said town Clerk Amy Klemko. The town is trying to get more and may have some on hand Tuesday.

In general, the town office was very busy Monday with people seeking help with flooding.

“That’s all we did,” Klemko said.


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