SL pres to trustees: sharpen those budget pencils

Photo by cohdra via

Photo by cohdra via

The Silver Lake Village Board will be getting an earlier than usual start to the budget season. And it will be tougher than ever.

Those were the twin messages of President Roger Johnson’s comments on the budget process for this year at Wednesday night’s Village Board meeting.

“We’re going to get chopped this year from the state,” Johnson said, referring to the amount of state aid to municipalities Silver Lake may receive.

With little new other revenue on the horizon due to the stagnant economy, Johnson asked trustee to get started on the  budget process earlier than usual so there will be time to consider the hard decisions that may be coming. He asked for trustees to meet with department heads they oversee by late July, early August so that they will be ready for budget discussion as a group shortly afterwards. In the past, budget work often did not start in earnest until fall.

“I think we’re going to have to really, really sharpen our pencils,” Johnson said.


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