If you take the tollway into work or play, expect to see some new signs along the way.
The launch of the new signage program is another step in the Illinois Tollway’s efforts to help drivers avoid toll violations in the event that they are mistakenly without coins or accidentally drive through an I-PASS lane.
“Updating roadway signage is an important customer service improvement that will make it easier for folks to clear up any mistakes quickly,” said acting executive director Michael T. King. “Collecting tolls directly from customers and avoiding the violations process reduces aggravation to our customers and allows the Tollway to put those funds immediate to good use on roadway improvements.”
Drivers have seven days to log onto the Illinois Tollway site at www.illinoistollway.com and pay missed tolls with a credit card or debit card. Payments also are accepted in person at Tollway Customer Service Centers or via U.S. mail. Any unpaid tolls left unresolved following the grace period are processed as toll violations and a notice will be issued to the registered owner of the vehicle when three or more violations are recorded.
Drivers will be encouraged to provide feedback to the Tollway via surveys on the Illinois Tollway Web site and eNewsletter. Driver input will be used to select the final sign design and logos that will be used on signage and communications systemwide.