Paddock Lake holds off on loader purchase


A typical wheel loader.

The Paddock Lake Village Board this week had a conversation similar to what is going on over kitchen tables all over the country in a troubled economy.

“Yeah we need this, but can we afford it now?”

In the village’s case, the thing was a wheel loader, which Trustee Joe Riesselmann was recommending the village purchase for $81,000. After some discussion, trustees decided now was not a good time to buy it, despite that it would increase efficiency for loading road salt and other tasks. The board voted down Riesselmann’s motion to purchase 4 to 2.

The reason? Bad timing.

“I think the economy is too tough now,” said Trustee Karen Harris.

Trustee Terry Burns said he did not disagree with the need for the loader, but he said he would prefer the purchase was bidded out. The $81,000 for the 2006 loader that Riesselmann proposed for purchase was the only proposal the village obtained.

In making his case for the loader, Riesselmann said a truck could be filled with road salt with two buckets from the proposed equipment. Using the bucket on a back hoe the village currently owns takes seven loads to fill a truck.

“It’s a half-assed way of doing things,” Riesselmann said.

But several trustees seemed content to use the less efficient but existing equipment for the time being.

Trustee Kathy Christenson was the only other board member to join Riesselmann in supporting the purchase.


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