Don’t say you haven’t been warned:
The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department will team up with hundreds of law enforcement agencies throughout Wisconsin for the Click It or Ticket safety belt enforcement mobilization from May 18 to 31, Sheriff David Beth said.
“During Click It or Ticket, our officers will be patrolling in greater numbers and for longer hours, including at night when safety belt use declines,” Beth said. “Our objective during the mobilization is not to write more tickets but to save lives and reduce injuries through voluntary compliance with Wisconsin’s mandatory safety belt law. However, if voluntary compliance fails, we will enforce the law. We won’t accept excuses and you won’t get a warning if you are stopped by an officer and are not buckled.”
Consistent safety belt use is the single most effective protection against being ejected from a vehicle or thrown around violently inside it during a crash. An estimated 237 lives were saved by safety belt use in Wisconsin in 2007, and 100 percent safety belt use could have saved an additional 137 lives, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.
“Far too many people are killed or injured needlessly everyday because they were not buckled up,” Beth said. “Our ultimate goal is to reduce the number of preventable traffic deaths to zero in Wisconsin. That’s why we urge you to buckle up every time you get behind the wheel or ride in a vehicle. However, if you ignore the law and common sense, we’ll also be ready to provide you with a very convincing reminder.”