Brainstorming meeting for Salem School activities set

salem-falconSalem School District residents interested in helping the school replace some of the activities and services it lost with last week’s budget cut can attend a brainstorming meeting at the school, starting at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the school library.

Flyers publicizing the meeting were distributed at the special School Board meeting last week in which the board, in the wake of a fourth failed tax levy referendum, made staff and extracurricular cuts to balance the next school year budget. The referendum had asked voters to approve the district exceeding its state-imposed revenue limit by $1.6 million for three years.

Those attending Tuesday’s meeting are encouraged on the flyer to bring their “questions, thoughts and ideas.”

“Please join us as we discuss ways in which we can all get together to support our school , in the classrooms, the reading rooms and the sports arena,” the flyer reads.

Contact Kima Picchietti at  997-0521 or for more information.


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