KD Park, new office buildings make Kreuser speech


County Executive Jim Kreuser gave his state of the county speech last week. I’ve been meaning to post on it for a while, but hey, westofthei.com headquarters has been busy and it is looooooong.

Of course everything the county does effects us too, but there was not a lot of specific west of the I area material in the  speech. Here was one mention:

“We have worked together with you and the surrounding communities to develop a solid plan to make KD Park a reality, understanding our budget constraints.”

As is typical of these addresses much of the speech focused on economic development. Here was a part of Kreuser’s vision:

“The glass and brass buildings will move here. We need to prepare ourselves so when the time is right, those companies will see Kenosha County is the right place to be and the right place to remain.”

Will some of that come to west of the I communities? Seems likely, if they want it.

Lastly, Kreuser wrapped up like this:

“Together, we will – because we must — work to make certain Kenosha County is still the best and the biggest small town in Wisconsin.”

You can read the whole thing here.


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