Tuesday is election day West of the I, and throughout Wisconsin. Turnout is often low for spring non-partisan elections. But that doesn’t mean the offices to be filled — mostly municipal and school board positions — aren’t important. They effect the quality of your life very directly.
Here’s a list of local contested races. Chances are there’s at least one, and probably more, good reasons for you to make it to the polls today. They’re open until 8 p.m.
Circuit Court Judge, Branch 8
- Frederick Zievers
- Chad Kerkman
Bristol chairman
- Bernie Leonard
- Rich Gossling
Bristol supervisor 1
- Ruth Atwood
- Lori Potoczek
Salem chairman
- Diann Tesar
- Linda Valentine
Salem supervior (two elected)
- Cary Artac
- Joseph Meier
- Patrick O’Connell
- Linda Valentine has said she is running a write-in campaign for this office too.
Salem municipal judge
- Mike Langel
- David Asma
Randall supervisor (two elected)
- Mark Halvey
- Rose Nolan
- Lauren Fox
- Margaret Starzyk
Wheatland chairman
- William Glembocki
- Jeffrey Butler
Paddock Lake president
- Terry Burns
- Marlene Goodson
Paddock Lake trustee (three elected)
- Kathy Christenson
- Dick Fish
- Chris Bucko
- Mary Young
- Terry Burns
- Michael Perry
Silver Lake president
- Roger Johnson
- Bart Hutchings
Silver Lake judge
- Ron Francis
- David Engstrom
Bristol School (two elected)
- Amy Hanson
- Michael Saad
- Andrew Lawrence
Randall School (two elected)
- Jan Iselin
- Linda Smith
- Gary Franzen
Salem School (three elected)
- With three positions to be filled there will be three people on the ballot: Patty Merrill, James Gere and Peggy Aull. However, two other individuals, Amy Buchino and Patti Bucko, have posted signs saying they are running as write-in candidates
Trevor-Wilmot School (two elected)
- Lynn Jaeger
- Susan Giovanni
- Kirt Houghton
Lakewood School
- Tammy Ledene
- Paul Chodak
Wheatland School (two elected)
- Troy Bruley
- Mary Ochoa-Petersen
- James Senft
- Wheatland School
- Paris School
Having just launched last Wednesday, westofthei.com didn’t have much time to do a credible job of covering the elections ahead of time. There were some readers who asked for us to do more on this race or that, but we just weren’t able to get as much done as we would have liked.
But we’re all geared up to bring you all the results tonight — numbers and reactions in key races. Just come here and we’ll keep you informed.