Central High School produces ‘Les Miserables’

Central High School Music Department students presented Les Miserables this weekend.

Here’s the names of cast, crew and band:

Cast:  Zachery Revell, Kurt Gillman, Monica Hekenberger, Cali Buchino, Mariah Sorensen, Ashley Derflinger, Sam Moody, Joshua Wang, Ryan Fremling,Carley Bevry, Hannah Esch, Corbin Bevry, Dan Griesi, Brad Hole, Garrett Beth, Joshua Conlee, Landon Hager, Augustin Chenault, Jordan Moffat, Sara Sherwood, Rae Lynn Niles.Understudies:  Samantha St. John, Cathie Richards, Keisha Berry, Brad Hole, Augustin Chenault, Rae Lynn Niles, Charlotte Shanaver, Ryan Fremling, Garrett Beth.Lovely Ladies:  Megan Johnson, Cathie Richards, Keisha Berry, Sara Sherwood, CHarlotte Shanaver, Kelsey Woodke, Samantha St. John, Nikki McConnell, Leigh Maltby, Alexandra Fishburn, Shannon Dowell.The Students:  Nikki Chapman, Katie Stockwell, Ashley Sapieja, Suzanne Silberschmidt, Jessica Peterson, Kayla Powell, Sarah Murphy, Amelia Wiersum, Waranthorn Wanichthaworn, Samantha Brewington, Rae Lynn Niles, Monica Hekenberger.Chain Gang:  Jordan Moffat, Garrett Beth, Josh Conlee, Bradley Hole, Dan Griesi.Pit Orchestra:  Taylor Balog, Alie Donnan, Alycia Griesi, Rachel Martin, Kortnie Winfield, Allysa Ingram, Chelsea Manker, Cecelia Schroeder, Emily Swanson, Angela Christenson, Jenna Hauner, Max Felgenhauer, Molly Manker, Ryan Piccolo, Elle Anderson, Deidre Damon, Jared Ottoman, Andy Andrea, Sarah Andrea, Katherine Sartori, Hannah Andrekus, Melissa Favelli.Production:  Loribeth Chenault, Megan Johnson, Cathie Richards, Keisha Berry, Sara Sherwood, Charlotte Shanaver, Kelsey Woodke, Samantha St. John, Nikki McConnell, Leigh Maltby, Alexandra Fishburn, Shannon Dowell, Nikki Chapman, Katie Stockwell, Ashley Sapieja, Suzanne Silberschmidt, Jessica Peterson, Kayla Powell, Sarah Murphy, Amelia Wiersum, Waranthorn Wanichthaworn, Samantha Brewington, Jordan Moffat, Garrett Beth, Joshua Conlee, Bradley Hole, Dan Griesi, Rae Lynn Niles, Monica Hekenberger, Sarah Kaddatz, Jordan Nicoletti, Cathy Ramos, Alanna Luzell, Jamieson Filip, Ryan Niebuhr, Robert Novak III, Alexi Ross, Jamie Menebrocker, Leah Blankenship, Ashley Rupp, Jeanne Paulaski, Amy O’Quinn, Allysa O’Rourke, Monica Hekenberger, Josh Wang, Mariah Sorensen, Katie Beach, Jamie Menebrocker, Andy Lorentz, Jim Revell, Nick Ouwerkerk, Dorothy Moffat, Jen Colson.

 Note: We orginally had some video and photos posted here, but upon learning that it violated a copyright agreement with the play’s publisher we removed it. Sorry if you came here looking for that.





  1. Ian says:

    Grrr… Wilmot is doing the same play this year. Soon.

  2. Rae Lynn says:

    why did the pics have to be removed? that sucks

  3. Rae Lynn says:

    i am depressed that there arent any pictures. SAD SAD SAD

  4. Sara Sherwood says:

    This musical was one of the funnest memories of my high school career. I transferred schools the year after this musical, and it’s one of the thing I remember very clearly. I miss this cast and all of the fun rehearsals with really great people. 🙂

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