The possible new recycling containers for Silver Lake come in 99-, 65- and 35-gallon sizes.
If you’ve seen the above trash containers in the Silver Lake Village Board room at Village Hall, you might have wondered what they are doing there. Doesn’t seem like a real effective spot for garbage cans.
There not there for use; they’re there for display.
Trustee Sue Gerber explained the village is considering some changes to the recycling program that could include every other week pick-up and, consequently, larger containers. The village now uses those smaller tub-like containers that are open on the top and emptied every week.
There’s going to be a demonstration about the possible changes by trash contractor Veolia in May before the board makes a final decision. But if you want to scope out the future of recycling in Silver Lake and maybe decide which of the three sizes might work for you, you can see the containers down at Village Hall during regular business hours.
Wow, I live in Silver Lake and have heard nothing of this coming about. It sure would be nice for some sort of newsletter type article to come in the postal services from the Town Board to notify the residence that the board is considering this and that we are welcome to attend the board meetings and have our voices heard about our garbage/recycling options.
At the meeting, the board did say they planned to have someone from Veolia out in May. Perhaps they plan to solicit comments then.
Meanwhile, Ginger, keep checking here. We aim to keep you informed of such things.