Note: The Plumbing Works LLC is a sponsor. This is a paid announcement. — DH
The Plumbing Works LLC is now offering rental of our top of the line water treatment equipment! We have found that some of our customers prefer to rent water treatment equipment rather than own it.
When you rent from us you will never be charged a service charge (unless it is damaged due to renter negligence) and you will never have to worry about repairs. Rental fees begin at $28.00 per month. In addition to renting water softeners, we also rent iron filters and sulfur filters. Iron filters remove excessive iron (rust). Sulfur filters remove sulfur particulates and “rotten egg” odor.
Along with our rental program we offer a salt delivery program to be sure your units are properly filled with salt and periodically maintained.
If you are interested in our rental option, please give our office a call today at 262-877-3842!!